Artists Erasing Hunger - Overview, Entry & Upload Forms
284,000 PEOPLE / YR ON LI
THAT'S 65,000 / WK
Artists Can:
1. Help Raise Money for LI Cares
2. Showcase Your Talent & Earn Money From Your Artwork
3. Encourage Adults & Students To Volunteer And Enroll In The LI Cares Volunteer Corps
- The program runs from March 15 - June 15, 2018 so don't wait to start designing.
- Artists create a design utilizing the Love The Island logo for placement on a T-Shirt (with a range of male / female, color, location options - see below)
- T-Shirts will be sold to the public on the Love The Island site for $35 with FREE shipping at:
For each T-shirt sold:
- $5.00 goes to the Artist
- $5.00 goes to LI Cares (Love The Island will donate a minimum of $1,000 to LI Cares by 12/31/18 regardless of the number of shirts sold.)
- T-Shirts will be "produced to order" with a requirement that orders must collectively reach a minimum # of 24 T-shirts / design during a 3 week PRE-ORDER PERIOD to be produced. If the 24 minimum orders is not met, buyers who who pre-ordered a T-shirt with their credit card (no funds will be taken until the minimum is reached) will have the orders cancelled (and the Artist and LI Cares will not receive $5/shirt).
- NOTE: The Artist should spread the word to their individual and group networks of friends, family, followers etc. to encourage purchase to reach (and exceed) the 24 minimum order, but the Artist is not responsible for placing the order, collecting money, producing or distributing the T-Shirts. Love The Island will handle processing orders, screening the T-Shirts and delivery. Just create a great design and promote it. (It's a perfect concept for artists with a lot of followers or student artists looking for experience with an easy way to earn money for their artwork, as well as, groups such as schools, associations, clubs, teams, organizations, family reunions etc.)
- Your design can take several forms.The following visual shows 4 different examples:
- You can select whether you want your design to go on up to 8 of the 16 options below. You can offer a mix of colors and both genders, but for production purposes you can only select front OR back for all:
- A Men's and / or Ladies T-Shirt
- With up to 4 T-shirt color options for each gender
- And whether you want your design on the front OR the back of the T-Shirt (you can only have one location - Front or Back - for all 24+ shirts)
SELECTION CRITERIA (Summary - Full Details In Entry Form)
- Final selections will be at the sole discretion of Love The Island. We are not required to place a design on our site. All decisions are final.
OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS (Summary - Full Details In Entry Form)
- By submitting their designs the Artist agrees that Love The Island will own the rights to the designs as they include the LTI logo. However, the Artist and LI Cares will always receive advanced notice and similar compensation if the Artist's design is used for sale of an additional run of T-Shirts or for use on other products.
- The Love The Island Logo cannot be used for any other purpose or given to any other person or entity for reproduction or the Artist and offending parties could risk legal action.
TO GET STARTED (Summary - Full Details In Entry Form):
1. ENTRY FORM:Download the ENTRY FORM by clicking on Page 1 & 2 visuals below. After downloading - Complete the form, Sign it, Scan or Photograph it clearly to a file
Then UPLOAD the scanned ENTRY FORM file into the UPLOAD FORM form at the BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.
IMPORTANT: Naming Your File. Use your full email address as the file name so we can always identify your file
- Once your Entry Form is approved you will be sent an email with LINKS to DOWNLOAD:
- The design must be no more than 4 spot colors in Vector format (this is not 4-color process) and must fit into a 9" x 9" area on all shirts.
- Regardless of gender and color the design can only be Front or Back for all T-shirts.
- Feel free to "sign" your artwork but it must be part of the 4 spot color process in Vector format and large enough to separate
- Artwork files need to be uploaded for approval and production to include:
a) A JPEG File of your 1 design by itself. Regardless of the # of T-Shirt options you select, you may only use 1 design
b) JPEG File(s) of your design on the selected T-Shirt(s) (gender, color, Front OR back). These will be the file(s) used on the website to display your design. You must include a file for every version.
c) An Illustrator File in Vector including selected PMS colors of your Final Design Only (not including the T-Shirt visual) for Production
- PLEASE NOTE: We have provided the T-Shirt Files in PNG format for highest quality. However, if you can please send the final T-Shirts with your logo to us in JPEG as the PNG files are turning out too large for the "Pre-Order" checkout page. Thanks!
a) UPLOAD all files to the UPLOAD FORM at the BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE
b) NAME your files by using:
- Your full email as the first part of the file name
- Add whether the JPEG files are Design Only - or the Gender and Color of the T-Shirt. For example:
- " - Design Only"; " Black T-Shirt"; " - Female Pink T-shirt"
c) FINAL PRODUCTION of ink on a T-Shirt can vary slightly from the electronic artwork and can look different on different color T-shirts. Love The Island will make every effort to replicate your designs but minor variations are possible.
- You will be notified when the JPEG File of your approved design on the selected T-Shirt (gender, color, FvB) will be placed on the site for the public to see at:
- This will start the 3 week "PRE-ORDER PERIOD"
- You will be notified weekly about the status of the # of shirts ordered
- After the 3 week "PRE-ORDER PERIOD" closes, those that achieved the 24 T-Shirt minimum threshold will be sent to production for screening and delivered to buyers within 2-3 weeks.
- Payments to The Artist and LI Cares will be made within 1 week after the 24 minimum is achieved
- For designs that do not meet the 24 minimum threshold, buyers orders will be cancelled and their credit cards will not be charged
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Love The Island Artists Erasing Hunger Program to help Long Island Cares. Should you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us at:
The Love The Island Family
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